Health LeeAnne Hayden Health LeeAnne Hayden

How to limit stress

AHHHHH Stress it is all around us! We know stress can lead to health issues but how do we handle it? What are some things that we can do the limit it in our lives? Here are some practices that I have incorporated over the years. I didn’t start with doing them all but as time has gone on they are all pretty much included in my day.

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Health LeeAnne Hayden Health LeeAnne Hayden

What I do for workouts

As you all know I am in an Ostomy and one of the main questions I get a lot on social media is what I do for workouts and how I handle protecting myself from getting a hernia. First, let me say that I have permission from my doctors to workout, so you should always check with you Dr. before start gin any workout program. Secondly there is a lot of different exercises you can do like walking that will lead to great benefits. To me moving our bodies is the most important thing you can do.

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Health, Recipes LeeAnne Hayden Health, Recipes LeeAnne Hayden

Protein Pancakes

There is nothing like pancakes for breakfast! When I started learning about eating clean back 15+ years ago, I learned how important eating the right foods can really keep our bodies healthy. Even when I had cancer the Drs said I was the healthiest cancer patient they had. That said how do you make pancakes healthy because let’s face it they are life!

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Health LeeAnne Hayden Health LeeAnne Hayden

The Benefits of a cold shower

BRRR…. The thought of a cold shower in January does not feel appealing, does it? Phase 1 of 75 hard requires a 5 minute cold shower everyday for 30 days. I almost didn’t do phase 1 because of this. Then I read the benefits of it.

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Health LeeAnne Hayden Health LeeAnne Hayden

Happy New Year!!!

Welcome to 2022! Last night we had friends over for Chinese food like we’ve done for years, well except when we were in NYC, they did come down for one of those 3 celebrations. That year we were living on 42nd St between 9th and 10th ave. It was a rainy New Years Eve however we did go to our rooftop in the rain and watch the Ball Drop in Times Square, it was pretty magical watching all the confetti. Oh, and if you don’t know each year there is a website you can go to and have your wish for that coming year printed on a piece of that confetti. So when the ball drops, your wish will be included in the celebration to kick off the New Year. I have done it for 4 years now. This year my wish is to act in a movie. LOL. That is a BIG wish. Not sure it will happen seeing that I am just starting out on this journey.

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Health LeeAnne Hayden Health LeeAnne Hayden

Journaling Journey

I woke up this morning planning what 2022 is going to look like. Every year I set my goals and create a vision board. This year is no different and I decided one of my goals for the year is daily journaling. I thought why not bring my daily thoughts and journaling write here on my website. I will get up each morning, read my Bible verse for the day, start meditating again (I used to do it daily and love it), then go into 10 minutes of visualization, and open this page and write in the moment instead of in a book. Why not bring you all into my daily thoughts?

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Books LeeAnne Hayden Books LeeAnne Hayden

Addicted to the Climb

As you all know I am an avid reader, I read at least a book a week. I know it has truly helped me through the ups and downs of life. The books I typically read are non-fiction, biographies, self-help, business and health books. I dig into them to learn something new. My friend Mandy suggested I start blogging about the books I read because every week I am telling her “oh so did you know xyz or do you know so and so did this to start that” lol. So, that is what I am going to start doing each week. I will try and review some of the ones I have read in the past that I think you will all like as well.

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Recipes LeeAnne Hayden Recipes LeeAnne Hayden

Baked Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal

My friend Stacie Hassing is one of @therealfooddietitians 😊 !

I saw the recipe the other day for the baked apple cinnamon oatmeal and said oh I need this for an easy breakfast!

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Ostomy LeeAnne Hayden Ostomy LeeAnne Hayden

I finished 75 Hard

Guys!!!! ⠀⠀⠀

I cried a little this morning in a good way. Finished 75 hard yesterday and feel so accomplished. I woke up one Sunday morning after watching @mrsdukesfitspo for a few weeks and said that’s it I’m doing this and starting today. It was my grandsons birthday party day, I knew there’d be cake and celebratory food but made that commitment to myself. ⠀

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Recipes, Health LeeAnne Hayden Recipes, Health LeeAnne Hayden

Zucchini - Ground Turkey Lasagna

You won’t even know that you didn’t use noodles! It’s that good! I got this recipe back over the summer from following Jess King (one of the Peloton instructors) Instagram account. So I had to let you all know about it! I made this at least 1x a month and it is my lunch for a week. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

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Health, Recipes LeeAnne Hayden Health, Recipes LeeAnne Hayden

Stuffed Mushroom appetizer

Alright friends! This Stuffed Mushroom Recipe is soooooo good and I got it from my friend Lori Harder and I just have to share it with you!

If you are struggling to find something to bring to Thanksgiving, these will make the perfect appetizer to bring a long and I know they will be a hit!

Here are the ingredients and the directions. But you can also find the recipe on her website Lori Harder’s Stuffed Mushrooms

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Ostomy, Health LeeAnne Hayden Ostomy, Health LeeAnne Hayden

I am doing 75 Hard

Happy Thursday and day 5 of me doing the 75 Hard! Yikes, lol. I love doing things that stretch me, I have come to realize that I am a better person, wife, mom, grandmother and leader when I do. We have been back in NH for 7 months now and I still miss living in NYC. There is nothing like waking up to the hustle and bustle of the city. That said there is a calm to waking up in NH and being around that family, I am back here for them and they are the only thing that matters. So I am very happy about that.

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Health, Ostomy, Recipes LeeAnne Hayden Health, Ostomy, Recipes LeeAnne Hayden

Getting those greens in while in an Ostomy.

I have talked about this a lot, and with my Ostomy, it is hard to eat too many leafy greens. So a great way to get the nutrients from them is to make a smoothie with them or juice them!

Here is a recipe that is delicious and full of vitamins and minerals. Plus you can run this through the juicer, or make it into a smoothie!

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Ostomy, Health, Recipes LeeAnne Hayden Ostomy, Health, Recipes LeeAnne Hayden

Benefits of a salad

I always loved a big ass salad and ate one practically daily!
But now with Ivan, I can't do that.
Now I have to eat small amounts otherwise I would end up with a blockage.

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Recipes, Health, Ostomy LeeAnne Hayden Recipes, Health, Ostomy LeeAnne Hayden

Pork Tenderloin - Garlic Smashed Potatoes with sautéed spinach

Last week I chatted a bit about how there are a lot of foods I cannot eat now that I was able to eat before my Ostomy. 

So I wanted to give you guys some recipes and meal ideas that I make that are okay for me to eat without any issues! 

Tonight we are putting together a delicious pork loin dinner cooked in the crockpot with a side of cooked spinach (I am unable to eat this raw, but cooked is ok!) and garlic & onion smashed potato bites!! 

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Health LeeAnne Hayden Health LeeAnne Hayden

Tuna Tartar

To build the tower use a tall circle mold ( you can find them in any kitchen store), spoon in tuna, then a layer of avocado, then more tuna, then another layer of avocado.  Carefully, turn the mold upside down onto the plate and lift.  The Tuna will not stick because of its oil.  Sprinkle the top with sesame seeds and top with sprouts!

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Health LeeAnne Hayden Health LeeAnne Hayden

5 Reasons why you should choose organic, local and seasonal vegetables

Our bodies need to be eating the best possible food.  How often have we heard, you need to eat your vegetables?  Well our vegetables today are not what they used to be.  They are lacking in nutrients and why is that?  One of the reasons is our food travels from across the country and also from South America.   As soon as it is picked it starts to lose its nutrients. It goes from being picked to traveling hundreds, if not thousands, of miles to get to the store, then it sits for days until we purchase it and then we leave it in our refrigerators until it is time to consume it. How much nutrients do you think is left in them by the time you eat them? 

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