The power of visualization

There is a secret to life and it’s called visualizing! I mean it. Most successful people do this and not many people talk about it.

Visualizing is like day dreaming. I was always a kid who had moments of day dreaming. I would find myself dreaming of the life I wanted, the type of home I wanted when I grew up, the career I thought I wanted, how many kids I would have. You know the drill, we all do this as children then somehow when we grow up we stop dreaming and playing.

As an adult visualizing what you want can make things happen. It’s as if the universe, GOD, what ever you want to call it listens and brings it to you. Not all the time like visualizing $1M dollars in your bank account but hey you could give that a try! Here is an example of something that happened to me years ago with an awards trip that I wanted to achieve at work. It was a Baltic cruise and I really wanted to achieve it. I was working hard to close deals and getting so close! Here is something else I did. Every morning what I was on my arch trainer in the basement I would visualize/dream about being on the trip. I would see very clearly the countries we were going too and John and I there. I did this every single day on that arc trainer. When I was 2 points shy of making it I was devastated. Then that year for the first time, the company chose a few extra people to go who were within a couple of points. There may have been 5 of us in the entire company. I guess they must have paid for more people or something but here John and I were going on this trip and I will tell you it was just like my visions.

Another vision I had, was living in NYC. Since I went there the first time at the age of 31 with Jessica I wanted to be there so bad. I would go a couple of times a year and envision myself living there even for a short time. I told John over and over again I wanted to live there for 3 months. Well we all know that eventually we would live there and it was for 3 years. I still LOVE NYC!

Those are just a couple of examples that have personally happened to me and there are more. Every year I write down my goals and create a vision board. I look at that board every day and the things I really want seem to happen maybe not within that year but eventually.

Most people we consider successful do this. They take the time to really see themselves achieving their dreams. They also do the work to make it happen. I am not by any means saying sit on your couch and dream and it will happen. You have to do the work to get there. But visualizing/dreaming on top of it truly does help!

What are some of the things you would like to see happen in your life?


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