Silencing the inner voice

I am not happy today! I actually feel angry which is very unusual for me. I am on day 17 of Phase 1 of 75 hard and this one is HARD and every day I don’t want to do it, but then there I am getting into that stupid 5 minute cold shower and walking outside for 45 minutes in -8 degree weather. What keeps me going? My inner voice or “b*tch” voice keeps telling me this is stupid, you don’t want to do it, just stop with this madness and yet I know if I listen to it and quit I will be SO angry with myself .

What do you do when that inner voice wants you to quit? Do you listen to it or do you keep going? I have learned over the years to quiet that thing down or even sometimes tell it to shut up. I know that if I push through and complete what I am doing I will feel the benefits after. It wasn't always that way, but with baby steps of completing just one thing I said I was going to do really was the start to build the endurance to finish. Using the words “I finish what I Start” while you are in the hard part helps.

So set a goal to complete something and when it gets tough use the words “I finish what I start” and see how you feel when you are done! I bet you will feel amazing!

Ok, only 13 more days to go and this stupid Phase will be over with and I will look back and see the lessons that were learned. It’s the journey not the end results that change you!


Juicy Turkey Burgers


The power of visualization