Navigating Life with an Ostomy Bag: Insights from Carly Allen

Are you or someone you know living with an ostomy bag? In a recent episode of "The Beautiful Bag Podcast," host LeeAnne Hayden welcomed guest Carly Allen, better known as @ostomateandthecity on Instagram. Carly shared her remarkable journey of living with an ostomy bag and her advocacy work to inspire and support others facing similar challenges. In this blog post, we'll delve into the key takeaways from their conversation.

Understanding Ostomies: Carly began by explaining what a stoma is—an opening in the abdomen through which a portion of the intestine is brought out. The area around it is referred to as the ostomy. This insight is crucial for understanding the challenges and adaptations that ostomates go through.

Advancements in Ostomy Care: One of the most significant revelations discussed was the remarkable advancements in ostomy bag design over the years. Carly and LeeAnne acknowledged that modern bags are more discreet, comfortable, and efficient. Manufacturers have made substantial progress in making them user-friendly.

Covering Ostomy Bags: Initially, Carly used to cover her ostomy bag, but her perspective evolved over time. She found that the bag often looks better without a cover. However, it's important to note that some people enjoy using decorative bag covers as a personal preference.

Managing Skin Issues: Carly shared her journey of initially experiencing skin issues related to her ostomy. She emphasized the importance of finding the right fit and taking care of your skin, which is essential for ostomates' comfort.

Convexity and Bag Types: For some ostomates, like Carly, convexity is essential to prevent leaks. She explained her transition from deep convexity to soft convexity. The choice of bag type can significantly impact an ostomate's comfort.

Adhesive Remover Spray: Both hosts highlighted the significance of adhesive remover spray. This product simplifies the process of changing bags and is gentler on the skin. It's a game-changer for many ostomates.

Traveling with Ostomy Supplies: Carly advised always carrying ostomy supplies with you, whether in a bag, briefcase, or purse. Being prepared is essential because sometimes a quick change is necessary, and losing your supplies can be a hassle.

Flying with an Ostomy: The hosts shared their experiences with airport security and flying with ostomy supplies. Carly recommended informing security about your ostomy before going through body scanners. While ostomy supplies are usually allowed, they might be inspected on occasion.

Emergency Supplies: LeeAnne recalled a trip where her checked bag was lost, emphasizing the importance of carrying essential supplies in your carry-on luggage. Hospitals may also provide temporary supplies in emergencies.

Advocacy and Self-Love: Carly concluded with an empowering message of self-acceptance and encouragement for ostomates to embrace their differences. Her advocacy efforts have been instrumental in breaking down stigmas and providing support for those facing similar challenges.

In their podcast episode, LeeAnne and Carly shared valuable insights, tips, and personal stories that will undoubtedly resonate with ostomates and their loved ones. For the full conversation, tune in to Episode #112 of "The Beautiful Bag Podcast" HERE and be inspired by Carly's journey and advocacy work. Living with an ostomy bag comes with its challenges, but it also offers an opportunity for personal growth, resilience, and self-love.


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