Stories and tips to empower ostomates to thrive with confidence and grace

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Ostomy, Health LeeAnne Hayden Ostomy, Health LeeAnne Hayden

Ask the Doctor (Hydration & Blockages)

Dr. Joga Ivatury Podcast Interview Transcription For 2/2/2022

Intro  (0:00)

  • This week's guest is Dr. Joga Ivatury.

  • “Ask The Doctor”

  • He is my Colorectal Surgeon who helped remove cancer from my pelvis and gave me my Ostomy. 

  • Chief of Colorectal Surgery at Dell Medical School at University Of Texas Austin

  • I am here today because of him! 

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Ostomy LeeAnne Hayden Ostomy LeeAnne Hayden

Becoming Mrs World America 2021 while in an Ostomy with guest Robin Brown

Robin’s Ostomy Story - How It Began (1:15)

  • Struggled at age 21 and was diagnosed with Ulcer Colitis.

  • Food poisoning led to an exploratory surgery where they found Ulcer Colitis while in surgery.

  • Struggled for years with different types of medications and bowel resections. And was just constantly sick. 

  • In March 2014 a freak accident happened with our off-road ATV. It malfunctioned and pinned me between the ATV and the back of the garage. 

  • After the accident, I had numerous bowel reconstruction surgeries, and the first area of my body they took care of after the accident and began my journey to an Ostomy. 

  • The bag came 2 in a half hours later after struggling with different conditions. 

  • Started my pageant journey after I got my Ostomy. 

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Ostomy LeeAnne Hayden Ostomy LeeAnne Hayden

Accepting your Ostomy with guest Ashlyn Laskey

Ashlyn is 1 year out from having her Ostomy and from her perspective, it has really been a year of acceptance for her.

After going in and out of remission with her UC over the years, it finally got to a point where it was truly a life or death situation. The last thing that had to be done to save her life as the medications and treatments stopped working was to get part of her colon removed and have an Ileostomy put in. 

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Health LeeAnne Hayden Health LeeAnne Hayden

Taking care of your skin around your Stoma, your face and the rest of your body.

Are you good with taking care of your skin? I know I haven’t been for most of my life and just last year I made a focus to be better at it. This year I will continue to do so. Skin is our largest organ, I never knew that until I got into the health world 11 years ago. To get ready for competitions we used to have to exfoliate our skin a few weeks before the competition so that our tan should go on smoothly. That was about all I ever did.

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Ostomy LeeAnne Hayden Ostomy LeeAnne Hayden

Don’t let fear stop you with guest Genine Spinelli

Genine is another beautiful soul that I had the opportunity to have here on The Beautiful Bag podcast this past week!  

She was in an Ileostomy for over a year, which was supposed to be temporary, but through more struggles than the doctors anticipated, got surgery this past September to get her permanent Colostomy! 

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Ostomy LeeAnne Hayden Ostomy LeeAnne Hayden

New Beginnings and Second Chances with Rita Follett

Rita is brand new with her Ostomy!  She struggled for years with Chron’s and Cancer and for years her doctors told her that getting a Colostomy would be the best chance for her to lead a normal life.  But succumbed by fear of the stigma an Ostomy can carry, she continued on with her life hoping that things would get better.

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Ostomy LeeAnne Hayden Ostomy LeeAnne Hayden

A son’s perspective

Kam’s journey is a little different than most I have here on the podcast. Kam is actually navigating the Ostomy world alongside his mother as she battles cancer and has had to figure out life with an Ostomy.

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Ostomy LeeAnne Hayden Ostomy LeeAnne Hayden

A true fighter and alive to talk about it with guest JD

JD is a true fighter and he is alive today to talk about it.

After a motorcycle accident that left him clinging to life with breaking more than half the bones in his body, being in an induced coma for over a month, and being told he would never walk again, he is defining the odds and really has an incredible story to tell.

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Ostomy LeeAnne Hayden Ostomy LeeAnne Hayden

Defining who YOU are with guest Jess Grossman

"The Ostomy has saved your life and has given you life, but it is NOT YOUR LIFE. You are separate from it. Yes, it has helped define who you are like; it has helped me and allowed me to feel confident in myself. But it is not what makes me, me. And I think that it is important to understand that for everyone else out there. There are other things out there that make you who you are. It's just a part of you." - Jessica Grossman.

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