Stories and tips to empower ostomates to thrive with confidence and grace
Living Confidently with an Ostomy -
Living Confidently with an Ostomy -
A second chance at life in an Ostomy with guest Natalia Versace
When I say we are given a second chance at life with our Ostomy…. Today's podcast guest Natalia can literally say she was at death's doorstep and she is NOW living with a second chance at life!
Natalia was prepared to die after her battle with Chrons.
Make your dreams a reality with guest Keyla Caba
Your dreams and goals that you have before an Ostomy are still attainable and within reach even after an Ostomy.
This is something today's guest Keyla taught me through getting to know her and in this podcast.
Empowering others while in an ostomy
Charlotte has only had her ostomy for a few years, but in that short time, she has truly inspired people.
She is empowering and vulnerable at the same time and it really is such an amazing quality to have and is so rare to find.
Reclaiming your life with guest Kimberly Coleman
Talking with Kimberly gave me goosebumps… Her inspiration is so profound and it is such a beautiful thing how she is reclaiming her life after beating cancer and receiving her Ostomy.
"This device doesn’t mean it is the end. It's actually a beautiful beginning. My ostomy has given me 5 extra birthdays with my family." - Kimberly Coleman
Living & Thriving in an Ostomy
“Don’t let having an Ostomy stop you from living your life and THRIVING!” -Ryan Van Voorhis
In today’s podcast, I got to sit down with @rvanvoorhis who is a Chron’s survivor and has had his Ostomy for just over 20 years!
He is also the owner of @nudedudefood and he is doing what he loves and what inspires him! (you have to check him out, the food on his page…. I get hungry every time he posts something new!)