Taking Chances

Like I have said in some of my other daily blogs. I was going to write everyday for 30 days (I may continue) to use this as my daily thoughts and then well, bring you into what is on my mind in the moment. Today it is about taking chances to grow in your life.

I wasn’t born into someone who took chances automatically (unlike my younger sister). I had to build myself into that person. I didn’t even go on the merry go round until my sister did it then I would. You would think being the oldest would mean you did all the things first. Not me, through my childhood it was her. About the time I was a teenager though I was finding my own way and started to venture out. I had read the book “Gone with the Wind” and fell in love with the strength of the character Scarlett, not everything about her or the book but her strength and that’s when it started for me. God help my parents from then on. I look back sometimes and shake my head at what I put them through like getting on the “wrong” bus after school and ending up 5 towns away at a friends how. Dad had to drop what he was doing and come get me, the one time I had my first drink (2 Bud tall’s) at the age of 13 and stumbled into the house, bless my parents. There are many more stories but we don’t have to get into them now.

What I want to discuss today though is what taking the “right” chances can do for you. I am reading Rob Lowes book and only on the 4th chapter but as a kid and wanting to be an actor he took chances. Like trying out for commercials to writing to Aaron Spelling and getting a response. For me it was different. It was wanting to move from MA to NH as a single mom with 2 kids and doing it, wanting to go from accounting work to getting into a sales job (definitely not the same career) and doing it. Even to learning about Network Marketing and quitting the great sales job I had to build my business with a larger income than I made in corporate America. AND then filling out an application to work with Tyra Banks and being accepted as one of the first 200, stepping away from my other business to do so and well that one didn’t work out the way I had hoped. Then selling everything and moving to NYC (that one excited me).

Now we are back in NH and I am working on the next move I want to make. Not sure how it will workout but I am being optimistic about it. It is something that I have wanted to do since I was a little girl and at the age of 51 we shall see what happens.

To move in life we need to take chances some will not workout but we can learn from them. Others do and your whole world can change. How are you going to know unless you try? Fear is such a great quality, it is there to protect us from being eaten by a tiger. However, it is not there to keep us in the same in life. What are some of the things you want to accomplish in this life? What are some of the chances you want to take? What is stopping you from trying? What’s the worst that can happen? You “fail”? Well good for you if you do because then you get stronger and strength is a beautiful thing.

Well, friends that was what was on my mind this morning. I hope you do something wonderful with your life today! Much love. xo


I must be nuts LOL


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