I started running again

I just got done with a 10 minute run well actually 10:24 minute mile jog but who cares I was out there. I am not sure why I started wanting to run again after so long but I did and I am enjoying it. I started running in 2002 and did a half marathon back in 2009. Right after that marathon I stopped running and would only do it here and there over the last 13 years. But something in me a few weeks ago said to get back out there, so I have been doing a few walk/runs so that I do not injure myself.

I have never been the type of person to do anything in moderation lol. I am either ALL IN or NOT AT ALL. However, at the age of 51 almost 52 I am finally learning to slow it down and listen. My body isn't what it was years ago, it’s been through a lot (Cancer, a colostomy bag, hysterectomy and my gall bladder removed) in the last 7 years. I feel so blessed to still be here to be able to try new things or to do things I have done before. So in comes the running lately and it has been helping me to clear my mind. It is like a moving mediation for me right now.

This past year I stopped doing so many things from a work perspective, even stopped posting on social media everyday and having a podcast episode every week. It was like I needed the break and now I am in a place where I feel I need to do something and have been wondering what it is. Running is helping me to find that.

People have been telling me since the Cancer that I should write a book. I have started it so many times but it has never been finished. I think it is time that I do that. But my mind says who would read it? Are you a good writer? Where do I start? I am not good enough to write. Is my story or what I have to say that important? I think it maybe and who knows like the podcast has helped people over the last couple of years, maybe the book would too?

To be continued….


The Power of Gut Health


Pasta with tuna and veggies