Stories and tips to empower ostomates to thrive with confidence and grace
Living Confidently with an Ostomy -
Living Confidently with an Ostomy -
It’s a Mental game with guest AJ Barbosa
AJ Barbosa Intro & Medical History (1:04)
AJ Barbosa is on today’s podcast to share his story.
Crohn's survivor & Dad.
Having Crohn’s led to getting an Ostomy
10 years old, going on 11 when he was diagnosed.
Accepting your Ostomy with guest Ashlyn Laskey
Ashlyn is 1 year out from having her Ostomy and from her perspective, it has really been a year of acceptance for her.
After going in and out of remission with her UC over the years, it finally got to a point where it was truly a life or death situation. The last thing that had to be done to save her life as the medications and treatments stopped working was to get part of her colon removed and have an Ileostomy put in.
Living your life the way you want with guest Heather Moffatt
Heather's journey started as a young child with stomach issues and doctors always telling me nothing was wrong. Fast forward years down the road and Heather was in constant pain with Ulcer Colitis, then faced a Crohn’s diagnosis.
Don’t let fear stop you with guest Genine Spinelli
Genine is another beautiful soul that I had the opportunity to have here on The Beautiful Bag podcast this past week!
She was in an Ileostomy for over a year, which was supposed to be temporary, but through more struggles than the doctors anticipated, got surgery this past September to get her permanent Colostomy!
New Beginnings and Second Chances with Rita Follett
Rita is brand new with her Ostomy! She struggled for years with Chron’s and Cancer and for years her doctors told her that getting a Colostomy would be the best chance for her to lead a normal life. But succumbed by fear of the stigma an Ostomy can carry, she continued on with her life hoping that things would get better.
A son’s perspective
Kam’s journey is a little different than most I have here on the podcast. Kam is actually navigating the Ostomy world alongside his mother as she battles cancer and has had to figure out life with an Ostomy.
A true fighter and alive to talk about it with guest JD
JD is a true fighter and he is alive today to talk about it.
After a motorcycle accident that left him clinging to life with breaking more than half the bones in his body, being in an induced coma for over a month, and being told he would never walk again, he is defining the odds and really has an incredible story to tell.
When a friend is the reason you create a company to help ostomy patients with Na'Scent founder Michelyn Caldwell
Michelyn Caldwell founded the company, NB Products (Na' in 1998. This company came to fruition after a close family friend, Linda, needed an ostomy when she was in her 20’s and learning about her struggles inspired Michelyn's journey and dedication to help Linda and others!
Defining who YOU are with guest Jess Grossman
"The Ostomy has saved your life and has given you life, but it is NOT YOUR LIFE. You are separate from it. Yes, it has helped define who you are like; it has helped me and allowed me to feel confident in myself. But it is not what makes me, me. And I think that it is important to understand that for everyone else out there. There are other things out there that make you who you are. It's just a part of you." - Jessica Grossman.
Taking risks & overcoming fears to help you through recovery with guest Collin Jarvis
After being diagnosed with Ulcer Colitis in 2013 while in his 3rd year at UC Berkeley, Collin's illness took such a drastic spiral downwards in 8 months from the time of diagnosis to having surgery to get an Ostomy.
This forced him to put a halt to his track and field carrier that he had been working towards since he was a child.
A second chance at life in an Ostomy with guest Natalia Versace
When I say we are given a second chance at life with our Ostomy…. Today's podcast guest Natalia can literally say she was at death's doorstep and she is NOW living with a second chance at life!
Natalia was prepared to die after her battle with Chrons.
Make your dreams a reality with guest Keyla Caba
Your dreams and goals that you have before an Ostomy are still attainable and within reach even after an Ostomy.
This is something today's guest Keyla taught me through getting to know her and in this podcast.
Empowering others while in an ostomy
Charlotte has only had her ostomy for a few years, but in that short time, she has truly inspired people.
She is empowering and vulnerable at the same time and it really is such an amazing quality to have and is so rare to find.
Reclaiming your life with guest Kimberly Coleman
Talking with Kimberly gave me goosebumps… Her inspiration is so profound and it is such a beautiful thing how she is reclaiming her life after beating cancer and receiving her Ostomy.
"This device doesn’t mean it is the end. It's actually a beautiful beginning. My ostomy has given me 5 extra birthdays with my family." - Kimberly Coleman
Living & Thriving in an Ostomy
“Don’t let having an Ostomy stop you from living your life and THRIVING!” -Ryan Van Voorhis
In today’s podcast, I got to sit down with @rvanvoorhis who is a Chron’s survivor and has had his Ostomy for just over 20 years!
He is also the owner of @nudedudefood and he is doing what he loves and what inspires him! (you have to check him out, the food on his page…. I get hungry every time he posts something new!)