How to limit stress
AHHHHH Stress it is all around us! We know stress can lead to health issues but how do we handle it? What are some things that we can do the limit it in our lives? Here are some practices that I have incorporated over the years. I didn’t start with doing them all but as time has gone on they are all pretty much included in my day.
Meditation - I used to meditate for years for 20 minutes a day and got away from it when we moved to NYC. However being back in NH I have started it up again but only for 10 minutes for it to become a habit again. Most people think that to meditate means not to have thoughts during the time however, thoughts do come up and that’s a good thing. When I meditate I use a mantra and say it over and over again, when the thoughts of “I don't have time for this” or “Oh I need to add eggs to the grocery list” happen I recognize it and go back to saying my mantra. A great one to start with is “so hum” it means “I am”.
Exercise - I talk about the benefits of exercise all the time. It really is a stress reducer. Even going for a 30 minute walk daily will do the trick.
Visualazation - This is a new one for me. Every year I set goals and create a vision board. Lately after meditating I set the timer and look at my vision board for 10 minutes and really visualize the things on there coming true and me in those photos. Visualization of good things helps reduce stress.
Reading - Reading positive books lol can help with stress, it also can transport you into another place for a while and settle you down. Now I said POSITIVE books. Because reading a scary novel, or a non fiction book that makes you angry can have the opposite effect ( trust me I have done this). 10 pages a day is all you need!
Gratitude List - waking up every day before going on social media or doing anything else grab a notebook and write down 5 things you are grateful for. Watch how you feel inside when doing this one! It’s great!
Healthy clean foods - This is another one like exercise that I talk about all the time. Get the proper nutrition into your body on a daily basis!
Journaling - when you are stressed sitting down and writing it down really helps get it out of your system. There are known studies that show the reduction in stress when you put pen to paper. So get it out, all the feelings then either keep it OR tear it up with a smile.
These are just some things that can help. It doesn’t mean you need to do them all (that can be stressful too) but just choose 1 thing and start there. Let me know how you do!!