LeeAnne Hayden

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Why I chose Entrepreneurship in my Ostomy over Corporate America

Some of you may or may not know this but when we first moved to New York City one of the stipulations was I had to go back to work.

After Tyra had shut the doors on Tyra Beauty, I took a little bit of a hiatus trying to figure out what I wanted to do... But we needed the money and I decided it was best to give corporate America a chance again.
I was still getting residual income from one of the companies I had been with but it wasn’t nearly enough to equate to what we needed.
My corporate job was really a great opportunity. I met some amazing people however, one of the things I liked least was being in an office. I wasn’t used to being around people in such close quarters as during meetings or just sitting in the office.
Meaning… if Ivan, my Ostomy acted up… people heard. And guys, this is embarrassing for me sometimes. A little rumble here, a little “burp” there, a little bit of noise or a little bit of smell, and it definitely embarrassed me sometimes. So much to the point that I didn’t have any confidence in those meetings. I was always nervous about Ivan...

I learned over time (one year that is) that this environment wasn’t for me! I was MUCH better off being an entrepreneur. I was MUCH better off working with a company that I loved and products that I could represent, with a team full of like-minded people. I wanted to do what came naturally to me, like speaking out on social media about my passions and teaching others how to do the same.
I told John and he agreed that it was time to take a year off and find a company where I felt like I belonged. Where I could get back to who I was, what I knew what to do, and knew how to do it. Where I was happy...
Entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone but it really does give you a bit of freedom to live without worry if you work hard and remain consistent.