Top Tips for Starting a Successful Network Marketing Business

Are you interested in getting started in the network marketing industry? If so, you won't want to miss this episode of the You Better Network podcast. In this episode, I discuss the first few steps you should take when starting your network marketing business.

First and foremost, it's important to figure out your "why." This means understanding the deeper purpose behind why you chose to join the network marketing industry and what you hope to achieve through it. Once you have a clear understanding of your "why," you'll be better equipped to stay motivated during the hard times that will inevitably come.

Next, you'll want to create a 30 second story that explains why you chose your specific company and products. This story should be personalized to you and highlight the benefits you've experienced since joining.

Finally, make a list of potential contacts, but don't approach them with a sales pitch right away. Instead, this list is meant to get your brain thinking about who you could potentially reach out to in the future.

I provide more details on the second and third steps. The second step is to create a list of the 10 people you have the most influence on, who would be willing to listen to you and potentially buy products or join your business. The third step is to make a list of the 10 people who would be the best fit for your business and work with your upline to develop strategies and steps to approach them.

Remember, network marketing is a business, not just a social media post. It's important to serve people by introducing them to products that can help them. Write out your "why" and practice your 30 second story until you know it like the back of your hand. With these steps in place, you can start having conversations with potential contacts and building your business.

I say, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it's the courage to continue that counts." So, let's continue to take courageous steps towards building our network marketing businesses.

Don't forget to tune in to the full episode for more tips and insights on getting started in the network marketing industry. Thanks for listening!

Click here to listen to the episode

LeeAnne xo


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