LeeAnne Hayden

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From Corporate America to Direct Sales

Making a change can be hard, however what comes on the other side is so worth it!

My career started over 25 years ago, yes yes I am that old. I graduated high school and took a few night classes in accounting while working full time, yes in accounting. This was the way my career was supposed to go. I would get my degree then open a CPA firm in Boston. Well life had other plans for me.

While accounting is a great career for many it wasn’t for me. I loved being out meeting people, learning about them and what they liked so with the push of my husband I changed careers into corporate sales. After excelling for quite some time however there was always something tugging at me. I had some freedom but it wasn’t on my terms.

I fell into my first Network Marketing company and fell in love. It was completely by accident. I grew with an amazing team and built a multiple six figure income while enjoying the freedom to do it from anywhere on my own terms. I eventually grew a second six figure a year business with Tyra Beauty. It was a start up with so much potential. After 2 1/2 years she decided to close those doors (a Story for another time).

Even though it was a blow for myself and many others I still believed in the industry. I ended up going back into Corporate Sales for a year however I felt like I was caged. I mean I had had the freedom of doing what I wanted, when I wanted and how I wanted for more than 8 years. So after a year I left and decided to do some soul searching.

I am happy to announce I found a new place to call home. I did so much research on many different opportunities. I looked at their longevity, their products (being a cancer survivor I care a lot about what products I use), their compensation plan and the ability to help others grow into the goals they want in their own lives. This is my biggest passion, to take care of people. I love to lift others up and help them soar into their dreams!

So I have to say to you, you can plan all you want and sometimes there are other dreams for you! Never give up on them and if you are looking to maybe find your freedom, work when and were you want. Then let’s have a conversation!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Love LeeAnne