LeeAnne Hayden

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Marie Forleo’s B-School has launched!

This one is for my business friends! Back in 2013 I took B-school after I had attended Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) to be a holistic health coach. Every year I go through the program again, my brand and business has evolved over time and each year there is something new to learn.

Throughout my Direct Sales and Health Coaching career I have taught hundreds of people how to build businesses online. Some of the best tips I received was through my time at B-School. It is a great program no matter what your business is!

B-school is for a lifetime, so as your business and brand changes you can take it over again each year! Personally I do each and every year.

Here is a free training for you to check it out for yourself.

Build a Business you Love

If you want to go right to the program to sign up here is the link for that!

Marie Forleo B-School