Overcoming Challenges: Living with an Ostomy After Conquering UC

Living with ulcerative colitis (UC) is no small feat, especially when diagnosed at the young age of 15. In the latest episode of "The Beautiful Bag Podcast," host LeeAnne Hayden sits down with the resilient Nadia Di Rienzo, who shares her remarkable journey. Nadia's story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of advocacy in the ostomy community.

Nadia's journey began with the life-altering diagnosis of UC at just 15 years old. The challenges of navigating chronic illness at such a young age are truly remarkable, but she faced them with determination.

Years of medical trials, various medications, and the rollercoaster of living with UC marked Nadia's life. She experienced both flares and periods of remission, and she also became part of clinical trials for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

However, life took an unexpected turn when she noticed unusual symptoms during a clinical trial. Her medical team's investigation uncovered something unexpected—colorectal cancer. It was a shock but came with a silver lining: it was in the early stages and required a total proctocolectomy.

The surgery changed everything. Nadia found herself with a new lease on life, but the adjustment wasn't easy. A total proctocolectomy led to an ileostomy, and the learning curve of living with it was steep.

Nine months post-surgery, Nadia reflects on her journey. She shares insights into her sleep patterns and the adjustments she's made. Sleep is a challenge, especially with a high-output ileostomy that requires frequent emptying during the night.

Exercise has played a significant role in Nadia's post-op journey. She combines weight training with cardio and works closely with a physiotherapist to ensure her abdominal area remains strong and hernia-free.

Dietary adjustments were also necessary to prevent blockages, and some foods like grapefruit became her newfound favorites. However, she remains cautious about sushi and certain vegetables that pose higher risks.

Nadia's journey isn't just about her personal experiences but also about advocacy. She emphasizes the importance of sharing her story on social media, breaking stigmas, normalizing ostomies, raising awareness for IBD, colorectal cancer, and life with an ostomy.

In a candid conversation, Nadia opens up about the fears and anxieties she faced regarding her children's understanding of her health challenges. She waited until she was sure about the cancer's staging to address their concerns and provide them with comfort and clarity.

Nadia's story is a testament to not fearing ostomies. She encourages those facing similar challenges to embrace their second chance at life and find positivity in the journey. Her journey is marked by resilience, strength, and unwavering advocacy, making her an inspiration to many in the ostomy community and beyond.

You can listen to this inspiring episode on The Beautiful Bag Podcast, HERE. Don't miss the opportunity to hear Nadia's remarkable journey and her message of hope and empowerment for everyone living with an ostomy.


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