It’s Spring!

Hello everyone and welcome to spring time! As I am typing this I am looking outside to the snow here in New England. LOL. Got to love it.

Well anyway, this week’s podcast episode is all about Hydration and Wellness. It seems to be a topic I speak about a lot. Hydration with an ostomy is so tricky. Just like nutrition everyone is so specific on their needs. It is different for someone who has an ileostomy vs someone like me who has a colostomy and all the in-betweens. I talk about it all in this week’s podcast episode which you can watch the YouTube channel or listen in on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and now on IHeart Radio.

The top 4 subjects I speak about are:

  • Proper Hydration: Emphasizing the importance of staying hydrated, especially for individuals with an Iliostomy. Tips included carrying water or herbal teas, using electrolytes, and monitoring fluid intake.

  • Exercise: Highlighting the significance of regular physical activity for overall wellness. Suggestions included walking, yoga, weightlifting, and finding exercises that work best for individual needs. Mentioned the importance of seeking guidance from professionals if needed.

  • Stress Reduction: Discussing various methods for reducing stress, such as journaling, taking baths, getting massages, and practicing meditation. Encouraging seeking support from therapy or support groups when necessary.

  • Sleep: Stressing the importance of quality sleep for mental and physical health. Provided tips for improving sleep quality, including maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, limiting screen time before bed, and creating a relaxing bedtime routine. I also use the Oura Ring for the last couple of years and it helps me monitor my sleep so much better!!!

So listen in to this weeks episode and let me know your thoughts! As always I truly appreciate each and everyone of you!!

LeeAnne, xo


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