Celebrating Four Years of 'The Beautiful Bag' - A Journey of Perseverance and Self-Love

As we step into another year together, I am thrilled to share a milestone that fills my heart with immense gratitude and joy. 'The Beautiful Bag' podcast has officially entered its fourth year! It’s been a journey of inspiring stories, shared resilience, and personal growth, not just for me but for each one of you who has been part of this incredible community.

In this week’s solo episode, I delve deep into what these four years have meant and the transformative journey I’ve undergone, both personally and through the experiences shared by our amazing guests.

Celebrating Life and Survival

This week also marks a personal milestone for me - the eighth anniversary of surviving cancer and living with my stoma. It’s a reflection of survival, strength, and the beauty of life. My journey through cancer to recovery has reshaped my perspective on life, emphasizing the importance of loving and appreciating our bodies through every challenge.

The Power of Community

One thing that stands out in these four years is the strength of our community. I am in awe of the resilience and courage each of you show. In this episode, I talk about the importance of building an even stronger online presence, a space where we can all connect, share, and grow together.

Embracing Wellness and Self-Love

In our lives, we often encounter challenges that can shake our confidence and sense of self. In this episode, I share some deeply personal strategies that have helped me navigate through such times, focusing on the art of self-appreciation and self-love.

1. Journaling: A Path to Clarity and Peace I believe in the power of journaling to clear the mind and heart. Every morning, I dedicate time to write down my thoughts, feelings, and aspirations. This practice isn't just about putting words on paper; it’s a dialogue with the self, a way to process emotions and set intentions for the day. Whether you’re jotting down your struggles, your victories, or just everyday thoughts, journaling can be a therapeutic and enlightening experience.

2. Meditation: Finding Stillness Within Meditation has been a transformative practice for me. It’s not about silencing your thoughts; it’s about finding peace amidst them. I encourage you to try meditating, even if it’s just for five minutes a day. Use this time to focus on positive affirmations or simple mantras like 'I am grateful' or 'I love my body.' These moments of stillness can help reset your nervous system and prepare you for the day ahead with a calm and centered mind.

3. Affirmations: The Power of Positive Self-Talk Words have power, and positive affirmations can reshape our thinking. I recommend standing in front of a mirror, looking into your own eyes, and affirming your worth and beauty. It may feel challenging at first, but with time, this practice can foster a profound sense of self-love and acceptance.

4. Embrace Your Physical Self One of the most powerful exercises I’ve embraced is standing in front of a mirror after a shower, without wrapping up in a towel, and truly looking at my body. It's about confronting and embracing every part of yourself, acknowledging your journey, and appreciating the strength and resilience of your body.

Through these practices, I’ve learned to cherish my journey, appreciate my body, and embrace life with a grateful heart. I hope these strategies offer you comfort, strength, and a path to discovering your own inner beauty and resilience.

Remember, wellness and self-love are journeys, not destinations. Be gentle with yourself as you explore these practices and find what resonates with you.

Your Toolkit for a Thriving Life

As part of our celebration, I’m excited to share some resources that can aid in your journey of self-discovery and wellness. Don’t forget to visit LeeAnneHayden.com to grab your free guides - “Confidence Building Affirmations for Ostomates” and the “Embracing Wellness Guide.” These tools are designed to help you nurture a positive mindset and embrace a holistic approach to wellness.

Join Our Vibrant Community

Your stories, your struggles, and your victories inspire me every day. Let's continue this journey together. You can connect with me on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. Let’s share, support, and uplift each other in this beautiful community.

Tune In to the Journey

For more insights, stories, and empowering discussions, make sure to listen to this week's episode of 'The Beautiful Bag' podcast. You can find it on your favorite podcast platforms. Dive into the journey of self-love, resilience, and the celebration of life.

Here’s to many more years of growth, love, and beautiful stories!

With all my love,


Traveling with an Ostomy: Tips, Tricks, and Stories


The Ostomy Odyssey - Unveiling Sara Levitt's Story on The Beautiful Bag Podcast